Ishan Shivanand

Blog Title: Stress Relief and Management Techniques for Everyone

Published On:10/27/2022 

 Stress is a part of life. Whether you're juggling a million things at work or you're dealing with personal issues, we all experience stress. And while a little bit of stress can be good for you, too much stress can have negative consequences on your physical and mental health. That's why it's important to know how to effectively manage and relieve stress.

There are many different techniques that you can use to manage and relieve stress. Some people find that exercise is a great way to reduce stress, while others find that listening to music or spending time in nature helps them to relax. Here are a few different ideas that you can try:
- Exercise: Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. A moderate amount of exercise is the key to reducing stress. You don't have to go to the gym for hours or run a marathon; even a brisk walk around the block can help to reduce your stress levels.
- Music: Listening to calming music can help to relax your mind and body. There are many different genres of music that can be effective for stress relief, so find what works for you and put on your favorite tunes when you're feeling stressed out.
- Nature: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels. If you can, take a few minutes each day to step outside and take in the fresh air. Even if you live in an urban area, there are likely parks or green spaces nearby that you can visit when you need a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Stress is a normal part of life, but it's important not to let it get out of control. There are many different techniques that you can use to manage and relieve stress. Find what works for you, and make sure to take some time each day to relax and de-stress. Your mind and body will thank you for it!

Research from Yoga of the Immortals Suggests Benefits for Insomnia

Published On:10/08/2022

A comprehensive, thoroughly researched approach for stress management and stress reduction is The Yoga of Immortals. To reach a deep level of relaxation, breathing exercises and physical postures are used. Ishan Shivanand, the organization's founder, has played a vital role in advancing this age-old discipline in the United States.
The practice can effectively heal trauma to the mind and heart. Elizabeth Hoge, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, discovered that it could be helpful for those with generalized anxiety disorder, a chronic illness marked by uncontrollable concerns, restless sleep, and irritability. The technique has been demonstrated to lower stress and enhance life in general.
Specific yoga poses are combined with breathing techniques, proper treatment, and meditation as part of the Yoga of Immortals program. People of diverse educational backgrounds, from those with little prior yoga experience to professionals, can benefit from the curriculum. The exercises in this program specifically target the energy centers and pelvic floor muscles. Participants in a study who had urine incontinence noticed improvements in the frequency and severity of leaks.
Yogis have also discovered ways to renew and lengthen the body's life. For example, Yogis may control the molecules in the body at will by putting the yogic practices known as kaya Kalpa, para kaya pravesha, and Asmita siddhi into practice. As a result, yoga practitioners not only live longer and are healthier, they can even avoid death and choose to remain permanently on one plane of existence.
Participants can download the Yoga of Immortals app to get some sleep. This intervention has been demonstrated to increase ISI scores in people who experienced insomnia symptoms due to the COVID-19 pandemic and has been clinically validated by an Institutional Review Board. One thousand five hundred-five users used the app for eight weeks as part of the study.

    Meditation Benefits


    Through the practice of meditation, we can train our minds to be more conscious. This can be accomplished by concentrating our attention on a specific thing, activity, idea, or notion. Regular meditation practice can promote emotional stability and mental clarity. The advantages of meditation are numerous. Continue reading if you want to learn more about the advantages of meditation.

    Studies have demonstrated that meditation can enhance focus while reducing stress and anxiety. It can also assist us in identifying and accepting unpleasant feelings. To help us stay present, meditation is frequently paired with mindfulness exercises. Additionally, it can work best for those who have a solid social support network. Those who struggle with concentration may benefit from this social assistance.

    The finest moment to meditate is when you're calm and relaxed. The brain's functionality is enhanced by it. People from various areas of life can engage in the activity. It can assist you in concentrating on your breathing, physical sensations, and thoughts. Starting at the top of your head, you can direct your attention downward. You can also be aware of your emotions and determine their underlying reasons by doing so. You should, however, refrain from criticizing yourself for emotional triggers.

    The ancient practice of meditation has been embraced by followers of practically all major global faiths. For instance, Roman Catholic meditation involves conscious, active contemplation that centers on biblical themes and developing empathy for God. Eastern religious beliefs place a similar emphasis on regulated and concentrated thought. For instance, the Yoga philosophy suggests a thorough purifying procedure that includes a meditative state. The Chan Buddhist order in China places a strong emphasis on the dhyana method of focused meditation.

    You can acquire spiritual enlightenment and stress reduction through meditation. You can try with various meditation techniques to see which one suits you the most. Just keep in mind that it's crucial to avoid forcing oneself into a meditative state because a moderate, consistent practice is more likely to be successful for you. Additionally, it's crucial to meditate in a group since they can encourage you when you're having trouble focusing.

    The practice and development of meditation take time. It calls for the capacity to maintain mindfulness, concentrate on a mantra, and accept your ideas without condemnation. Beginners may first have trouble focusing, but as you get more comfortable with the practice, it will get simpler. Having a partner who will hold you accountable and serve as a constant reminder that you are making a difference may also be beneficial.

    Numerous meditation techniques include concentrating on particular body parts. You might decide to start with your feet and work your way up to your arms and legs, for instance. You could also pick up on various feelings and sensations that each breath brings while performing these movements. Regardless of the type of meditation you favor, it's critical to pick a peaceful environment and stay away from distracting sights, noises, and odors.

    A practice that has been around for thousands of years in numerous civilizations is meditation. The Hindu religion, which originated in India and dates back to around 1500 BCE, is where the first written reports of meditation can be found. Early on, it was only regarded as an intellectual activity, but interest in the practice began to pick up again in the 20th century. Around that time, envoys from diverse Buddhist schools of thought started moving to the West.

    According to research, meditation can lessen stress and enhance emotional well-being. Additionally, it can support your mental clarity and serenity all day long. In fact, several research imply that it can aid in the treatment of some medical disorders' symptoms. Meditation can also assist in clearing your mind of excess knowledge. You can enhance your general health and lessen stress by regularly practicing meditation.

    The globe today engages in the age-old practice of meditation. People of many religions and cultures engage in it. There are various types of meditation, and each one calls for a particular skill set and way of thinking. If you want to learn more about meditation, experiment with a few different methods to determine which ones work best for you.

    Breathing Strategies to Improve Your Breathing

    published on: 08-24-2022

    Numerous breathing techniques can be used to improve one's breathing. Yoga contains some of the most effective strategies, while meditation includes others. The ancient Hindu practice of Pranayama emphasizes slow, deep breathing. The diaphragm is the most efficient muscle in the body, performing 80 per cent of the work required to breathe.

    Utilizing rhythmic exhalation, this breathing technique helps to open the upper airway. Make a whooshing sound while exhaling and place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. During this process, mentally count to four. Seven to eight seconds of holding your breath, followed by a slow exhalation through the mouth. Daily, perform this exercise two to three times.

    You can perform this breathing exercise anywhere. It is simple to learn but can be initially challenging. You should practice it twice daily, but you can do so as often. It is recommended to begin with four cycles and then progress to eight. You may initially feel dizzy, so start slowly and gradually increase the time between breaths.

    Alternating nostril breathing is a simple yet profound method for reducing stress and relaxing. The fundamental technique is to breathe in and out of each nostril in succession. Per session, you should devote 10 to 15 minutes to this activity. Once you have mastered the technique, you can increase the length of your inhale, exhale, and breath-hold to increase the difficulty. Alternate nostril breathing will raise awareness of your body's natural reflexes and enable you to experience more excellent mental, physical, and spiritual tranquillity.

    According to scientific studies, alternate nostril breathing reduces stress and anxiety. For example, a 2018 study found that after three months, men who practised alternate nostril breathing for 30 minutes per day perceived significantly less stress than those who did not. Researchers also discovered that those who practised the technique had significantly reduced blood pressure and heart rate biomarkers. As a result, many individuals find it an effective method for reducing stress.

    Deep abdominal breathing is a straightforward and effective technique for calming the nervous system and reducing stress. This breathing technique requires using the diaphragm, which is located below the rib cage. By breathing through your diaphragm, you increase the pressure in the cylinder and stretch your abdominal muscles. Regular practice of this breathing technique has numerous health benefits.

    This breathing technique can be practised while seated or standing. Place your hands on your chest and abdomen and inhale and exhale as you raise your rib cage. Feel the movements of your upper chest and stomach, and take deep breaths. Allow the tension and stress to dissipate and relish the physical relaxation. This breathing technique is distinct from shallow upper chest breathing, characteristic of a stress response. At a minimum of five minutes per day, you should practice deep abdominal breathing to notice a significant difference in your stress levels.

    There are numerous breathing techniques for calming the mind. Deep breathing is a simple technique for relaxing the body. Try placing your hand under your rib cage and inhaling and exhaling deeply through your nose and mouth. Visualization is another breathing technique that helps you relax your mind. Combining deep breathing with visualization, this technique will help you reduce stress by visualizing holes in your feet. You can practice these techniques no matter where you are in the world.

    This technique focuses on increasing energy by stimulating rapid, even diaphragmatic movement. The ratio between the inhale and exhale must be precise, and the exercise should be performed one to four times per day. This breathing exercise requires a clean and quiet environment, so practice with your mouth closed. The objective is to complete three breath cycles per second, and your diaphragm should rush so that you are less susceptible to asthma attacks.

    This technique also called "bellows breath" is a vigorous exercise that increases energy and alertness. Additionally, it helps recover from an energy slump. To learn more about the technique, visit Dr Weil's website, which contains several photo galleries and videos. There are numerous methods for practising this breathing technique. Consider focusing on your breathing rate to enhance its effectiveness.

    How to Breathe Properly With These Breathing Techniques

    Published On: 07-28-2022

    You can focus on the different breathing techniques when learning how to breathe correctly. These include Diaphragmatic, Rhythmic, Abdominal, and Alternate nostril breathing. Here are some helpful tips for breathing correctly. Try these techniques out today! You'll soon be living like a pro! And don't forget to practice! Whether you need to relax or feel more energized, breathing techniques can help.

    Diaphragmatic breathing

    Diaphragmatic breathing techniques are easy to learn but require some practice. At first, you may feel lightheaded and uneasy, but with practice, you'll find that these breathing exercises become more accessible and more natural. You can practice them while sitting, walking, or driving. The goal is to make this breathing technique a part of your daily routine. You can even practice diaphragmatic breathing techniques in your car.

    Rhythmic breathing

    Rhythmic breathing exercises have been shown to reduce pain after CABG with sternotomy surgery significantly. Each breath lasts approximately six beats, which can be easily memorized as 6-6. The next step is to focus on the time you retain each breath, or each retention, which is half of the inhalation or exhalation. If you're unsure how to perform rhythmic breathing exercises, start counting to three.

    Abdominal breathing

    Among the most common and effective breathing techniques, abdominal breathing is one of the most challenging. While it can be effective for exams and significant events, it may not be as easy to learn. You should sit comfortably with your tailbone driving into the ground to practice this breathing technique. It would help if you keep your tongue touching the roof of your mouth. When you breathe, you should feel the lower abdomen expand. This is because air comes from your lungs, diaphragm, and abdominal muscles.

    Alternate nostril breathing
    The practice of alternate nostril breathing can help you manage stress and anxiety and improve your overall health. Shifting focus from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system can lower your heart rate and relax your body. This practice can help you deal with the stressors in your daily life and promote mindfulness. Listed below are some benefits of alternate nostril breathing. Read on for more information. To start practicing alternate nostril breathing today, find a yoga teacher who can demonstrate the technique.

    Counting breaths

    Counting breaths when breathing is a fundamental component of conscious breathing. Counting inhalations and exhalations is meant to calm and center the mind. While it may seem simple, the simple motion of counting your breaths can be difficult to do at first. However, as you practice this exercise, you'll begin to feel its benefits. Following the breathing pattern, you already know will naturally become more mindful of each breath.

    Mindful breathing

    One of the easiest ways to start practicing mindfulness is by practicing breathing exercises. Breathing exercises are exercises that focus on the sense of breath. By imagining your worries and upsets as shimmery bubbles, you can release them. You can practice this technique anywhere. It will help you become calmer and reduce stress.

    Using Yoga and Meditation Protocols to Their Full Potential


    According to Ishan Shivanand yoga and meditation exercises have several advantages. These exercises, when done correctly, can lower your blood pressure and speed up your breathing. They also encourage self-awareness and the harmonious development of the body and mind. You can achieve your best results and enhance your health by using these techniques. But how can you decide if you should give them a try? Here are a few advices. Continue reading to discover the advantages of yoga and meditation techniques.

    Researchers must take into account a variety of elements while developing yoga and meditation protocols, including the style of yoga being done, the participants' physical constraints, and common comorbidities. They must also evaluate the intervention's adherence and its impact on the patients' general health. However, using these methods can have profoundly positive effects. They may ultimately result in the understanding of Oneness. Techniques used in yoga and meditation include particular postures, breathing drills, and interiorization of the mind.

    A person should select the same location to practice their chosen meditation technique after they have decided on it. They should next decide on a posture that works for them. A excellent place to start is by sitting up straight. It's crucial to have a relaxed chest and neck. Do not forget to stay awake. Don't do your meditation in bed! If you find that uncomfortable, you should try sitting in a chair with a straight back. There are numerous options for yogic poses.

    Yamas and Niyamas are a set of guidelines that must be followed when practicing yoga. Yoga exercises should never be done if one is drained, pressed for time, or under extreme stress. Menstruation and pregnancy should be managed by a certified yoga professional. In order to relax the mind, it's also crucial to begin the practice session with a prayer or invocation. The practitioner should then start the movements carefully while paying attention to their body and breath. The nostrils should always be used for breathing.

    A very well-liked yoga and meditation program is called Yoga of Immortals. It offers instruction in pranayama, meditation, and ancient yoga. Millions of individuals throughout the world have benefited from Yoga of the Immortals, and Fortune 500 organizations have even started using it. Ishan Shivanand thinks that, the Yoga of Immortals can be the ideal choice for you if you're seeking for a wholistic approach to health and wellness.

    Team created his own methodology by fusing cutting-edge scientific research with evidence-based leadership ideas. They have worked with business owners and executives, teachers, yoga and meditation instructors, and veterans among other groups. They have received recognition from the British Parliament, the Mauritius Ministry of Education, and the UK World Book of Records. Their goal is to assist those who are struggling with mental illness in finding serenity and happiness.

    Yoga and meditation for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea will be the subject of a phase II trial. Girls in the control arm will receive standard treatment, while the girls in the intervention group will be those with the highest level of discomfort during the first phase. Pain severity, stress levels, academic performance, self-efficacy, and biomarker levels are a few of the variables that will be tracked. Despite the significance of these research, yoga and meditation are not proven to be effective treatments for dysmenorrhea.

    Like a tree, a yoga and meditation practice needs daily care and attention to blossom to its full potential. If a healthy tree receives regular watering, it will produce lovely blossoms and mouthwatering fruits. Try to meditate frequently, if not every day. You should determine your motivation for meditating since everyone has a distinct purpose. To help others is the finest incentive. Don't expect immediate results because this practice is a lifetime commitment.

    SKY-Meditation enhances general health and blood oxygen saturation. Acclimatization benefits from SKY-Meditation as well. Patients who experience high-altitude situations can see the advantages of these mind-body practices. Additionally, research using various Yoga modules in clinical settings has demonstrated a considerable improvement in blood oxygenation. We shall comprehend molecular features of mind-body approaches with further study.

    Ishan Shivanand assume that, the most crucial thing to keep in mind when engaging in yoga and meditation is to incorporate the experience into your daily activities. You must make the transition out of meditation deliberately in order to do this. Making mindful transitions and keeping in mind why you are meditating are also vital. You should also be appreciative of any newfound wisdom. If you have a difficult time during your meditation, try not to let it make you depressed. Instead, give thanks for the experience so you can use it in the future.

    Yoga and Spirituality: The Kundalini Effect

    Published on: 05-27-2022

    According to Ishan Shivanand, when it comes to attaining your objectives, yoga may help. It may assist you in connecting with the energy of the universe and manifesting your desires. The goal is to shift your mindset, which is frequently a self-defeating habit. Yoga has taught me to follow the KISS philosophy, which stands for "Keep It Simple, Stupid." I had been doing yoga for eight years before I noticed what a difference it made.

    The 'Kundalini' effect occurs when the sun's burning force and the 'kundalini,' the subtle energy that wakes the mind, come together. The kundalini rises when these two energies merge, removing bad karma and liberating the mind. Yogis often experience strong surges of happiness and enlightenment upon rising.

    The KISS principle is a design theory that asserts that the best design is simple. Stupid, keep things simple! Kelly Johnson, as a chief engineer at Lockheed Skunk Works, directed the designers to build basic designs for their fighter planes. Complex designs, he claimed, would simply add to the confusion and end up costing lives. Under battle situations, complexity would eventually become outdated. The KISS principle is based on this theory, and asserts that it is preferable to design something simple rather than something too complex since a busy user is more likely to leave it.

    The Kundalini effect is well-known in yoga and spiritual practices. Kundalini energy awakening may produce significant and severe changes in humans. Some people may be concerned that Kundalini yoga is unsafe as a result of this. This could not be farther from the truth. This yoga is both safe and effective, as well as being incredibly loving. Yogi Bhajan brought this kind of yoga to the United States in the 1970s, and it quickly became popular. The majority of Kundalini yoga teachers now dress in white boho attire.

    Ishan Shivanand pointed out that, when one practices meditation, the Kundalini effect is likely to occur. Kundalini, or "life force," is a kind of energy found in your body. This energy may be found at the base of your spine and on your head's positive pole. You may safely pull this energy up via the inner spine if you practice it correctly. However, be cautious, since excessive Kundalini activation might injure your neural system.

    In asana practice, the Kundalini effect may provide a variety of advantages. This delicate energy type may help to improve your nervous system, helping you to handle stressful circumstances more calmly. While executing some postures, such as down dog and plank stance, you may feel a mild shaking feeling. However, as your nervous system improves, this feeling will fade. The kundalini effect might also assist you in reaching a higher state of awareness.

    The KISS principle is a design philosophy that emphasizes the significance of concentrating on a single task at a time. This involves concentrating on the breath in yoga. Because the body and mind need a single point of attention, they must be tuned in to just one item at a time. We will never be at ease if we attempt to keep two or three things in mind at the same time. Yoga, on the other hand, is all about developing a feeling of fullness and completion.

    In meditation, the KISS principle refers to the subtle-energy exchange that occurs during a kiss. The kiss usually causes one individual to have a sexual response, while the other is afflicted by bad energies. Negative energies influence around 30% of the population and go nearly entirely unreported. Meditation is a method of reclaiming our power by learning to accept these energy.

    Ishan Shivanand believes that, the process of waking your fundamental energy, or 'ki,' situated at the base of your spine, is known as the 'Kundalini' effect in yoga. Different spiritual schools have taught various strategies for raising your Kundalini. At the base of your spine, Kundalini is sometimes represented as a snake or goddess. Because it is supposed to have unique features and may manifest in a variety of ways, moving the Kundalini through your chakras might be the key to unlocking its full potential.